
In endoscopy, the surgical procedure is chosen based on a combination of visual information supplied by the endoscope, the surgeon's anatomic knowledge and experience, and preoperative radiology data. However, this requires an optimal endoscopic image as well as precise orientation within the surgical field. Extensive pathologies as well as scarring and changes resulting from previous surgeries can significantly complicate the correct identification of the surgical site and hence jeopardize the patient's safety.

In such cases, surgeons can greatly benefit from support in spatial orientation. In ENT and skull base surgery, the KARL STORZ optical and electromagnetic navigation systems are excellent tools for this purpose. The position of the instruments is constantly measured either optically, through highly reflective glass spheres on the instruments, or electromagnetically through microcoils integrated in the instrument tip.

Years of experience in instrument making ensures the seamless and ergonomic integration of the navigated instruments into clinical routine.


NAV1™ electromagnetic

NAV1™ electromagnetic

Easy and safe navigation with KARL STORZ

Special Features:

  • High precision thanks to sensors in the instrument tips
  • Compact design for easy integration into the OR
  • User-friendly control concept with few interaction steps
  • Navigation in excellent HD image quality
  • Planning and monitoring of risk structures with intraoperative Distance Control
  • Automatic and reliable documentation of the navigated procedure
  • Regular and free-of-charge software updatesSTORZ
NAV1™ electromagnetic Instruments

NAV1™ electromagnetic Instruments

Precision meets cost-effectiveness

Special Features:

  • Low follow-up costs thanks to reusable EM instruments in proven KARL STORZ quality: 30 usage cycles guaranteed!
  • Display of complete instrument geometry in the patient’s radiological data
  • Large range of navigated FESS standard instruments that can be used in parallel
ENT Navigation Software 5.6.0 with Intraoperative Manual Registration Refinement

ENT Navigation Software 5.6.0 with Intraoperative Manual Registration Refinement

The new software tool for precise navigation

Manual registration refinement following patient registration using landmarks or surface matching can be activated while navigation is in progress. Navigation is thereby not interrupted and the navigated instrument continues to be displayed. Following activation, an additional landmark can be set to adjust the registration accuracy.

Benefits of intraoperative manual registration refinement:

Special Features:

  • Correction of inaccuracy – particularly depth inaccuracy
  • Intraoperative setting and processing of landmarks without interrupting navigation
  • Eliminates the need to set additional landmarks; these can be set intraoperatively at the position of the site where the inaccuracy is identified
  • Possible to reject manual registration refinement at any time without interrupting navigation – navigation can continue with the initial patient registration